
Each year, GVC Credit Union's Governance Committee is responsible for the allocation and disbursement of the annual donations budget; in 2022, this budget was $15,000. As it receives many requests for funding, our Membership Committee relies on the credit union's Donation Policy in order to guide them in the decision making process. In 2022, we supported the following:


Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House plays a leadership role in building a healthy and engaged neighbourhood by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.

Credit Union Foundation
The foundation's primary purpose is to provide financial awards to British Columbia resident post secondary students in need of financial assistance for academic, technological or vocational training within British Columbia. Grants are also given to mature students upgrading their basic education and skills to allow them to enter the work force.

GVC Credit Union Christmas Hamper Program
Started in 1987, this program provides food and toy hampers at Christmas time to families in need.

Dixon Transition House
A Burnaby based non-profit organization that provides services to women and children who have experienced or witnessed abuse.


Hurricane Fiona (Red Cross)


World Council of Credit Unions

WOCCU's core values are access, trust, self-help and growth. Their goal is to assist people in many different countries to create opportunities for themselves and their families through the affordable financial services offered by credit unions.

Funding Request

If you would like to request funding for your organization, you may download our Sponsorship/Donation Application Form  and forward it to the address indicated. Only those requests that meet the credit union's funding guideline criteria will be considered and all proposals are subject to the availability of funds. If you would like more information, you may contact our Administration Office at 604-298-3344.


Please note that GVC Credit Union does not make donations or sponsorship funding to:
  • for-profit organizations
  • religious organizations, except for secular activities which are open to all faiths
  • groups advocating a particular social, political or economic ideology