Board and Elections

As a credit union member-owner and eligible shareholder, you will enjoy an equal right (one member, one vote) to vote representatives to the Board and thus participate in decisions affecting the overall direction of your credit union.

Also, any member who is qualified and willing to serve as a director, is eligible for nomination. Being a director requires study, time and commitment to actively participate in making decisions relating to the credit union's current and future operations, goals and corporate strategies.

A call for nominations for the Board of Directors is generally announced in the Fall Member Newsletter with information on number of vacancies and terms of service. Voting for nominees is done by in-branch or mail balloting prior to the Annual General Meeting in the Spring of the following year.

The Board of Directors, elected by and accountable to our membership, governs GVC Credit Union. By focusing on the best interests of the credit union, they are committed to the achievement of our goals and objectives.